家作坊 HomeShop


家作坊为您服务。可能我们的市场策略很拙劣,但我们正努力为您提供帮助。这包括源于我们技能、兴趣及资源的有机结合。它像夏季小夜曲一 样范围宽广,但又与LAMP编码一样,有它的局限性。虽然寻找"专业化服务"可能得到多样化却不吸引人的结果,但是我们向您保证,不确定的身 份完善了思考和实践的方式,保证了每一次服务的质量与用心。请点击下列服务列表中的任一个,找到更多信息或了解我们的资历。

我们的兴趣在于"共"的生产,同时我们也理解自己在当下不可能完全摆脱商业化来谈可持续发展的问题。这种服务模式旨在满足这些平衡,并理解 那些规范我们在资本主义晚期这一语境下的日常生活的"剧本":创造者/观众、邻居/朋友或卖家/买家。用互惠互利及非纵向差异态度看待这些关系实则是在从另一角度考察"共"这一概念,找到并制定不一样的"剧本"。我们期望和您一起工作,并在工作中 共同进步。


HomeShop is at your service. We may have a poor marketing strategy, but we are hard-working and here to help you. This includes a wide range of services from our pool of skills, interests and resources—as vast as a summertime serenade, as finite as a bit of LAMP coding. While those looking for the 'dedicated server' may find such diversity unappealing, we assure you that our precarious identities have refined a form of thinking and praxis to assure you quality and heart every time. Please click on any of the services listed below to find out more details and read our credentials.

We are interested in the production of the commons at the same time that we understand the current impossibility of completely freeing questions of sustainability from commercialisation. This service model is an attempt to address these balances and to understand the scripts that define most of our daily relations in an era of late capitalism: those between maker/audience, neighbour/friend or seller/buyer. To consider such relations in a mutually beneficial and non-hierarchical manner is to examine the commons from another perspective, to find and enact the not fully scripted. We hope to work together; your support is a contribution towards this process.

Please check the list of services below and email to find out more and/or to place an order.

001  工作空间  WORKSPACE  


HomeShop is sustained by a mutually supported workspace that is available for long or short-term rental. Facilities include desk space, wireless internet, a communal kitchen, and general use of HomeShop as a platform for exchange and skill-sharing.

Download PDF for more details about how you can participate.

Those who have shared workspace at HomeShop...present, past and again and again:

祥子 Nathan ZHANG, Katharina SCHAMARI, Shannon AITKIN, 胡晓丽 ET HU, 王大川 River WANG, 吴思远 Ray WU, 森林 Céline Lamée, 宮路雅行 Masayuki Miyaji, 周小萌, 杨立才 YANG Licai, 郭冬, 葛入源, 张琪 ZHANG Qi, 吴晓瑞, Paul HOUSE, Andrew DEEMER, LES+, 伊莲 Desireè MARIANINI, 小欧 Orianna CACCHIONE, 打油 Gerard ALTAIÓ, 高蓓 GAO Bei, 李东陆 Six LI, 曾麟 ZENG Lin, Benjamin BACON, 高灵 GAO Ling, Anna HOLMWOOD, 吴莹 Eva WOO, Samuel KALIKA, William CEURVELS , Pilar ESCUDER, Stephanie ROTHENBERG, Alyx DUNCAN, Kito NEDO, R. Tyler COTTON, 飞雅 Beatrice FERRARI

002  万物库  10,000 ITEM TREASURY  arrow


The HomeShop “10,000 Item Treasury” is a public library of not quite yet 10,000 articles available for perusal and lending, including books and other media, tools and other devices for efficiency and entertainment. Anyone can borrow items for up to two weeks for free with a deposit, and members are entitled to certain benefits. Please come by to find out more details.

Highlights of the “10,000 Item Treasury” include: independent magazines and publications, a few sensitive video materials, heavy duty camera tripod, whack-the-mole electronic game and HomeShop's own periodically issued, curated reader.

003  代理遛狗  DOG WALKING / PET SITTING  arrow

上班下班 吃饭睡觉 送孩子上学 接孩子放学 工作应酬 朋友聚会 没有时间遛狗怎么办? 家作坊提供私家独特代理遛狗服务 保证您的狗 心情愉快 大小便顺畅 遛遛更健康!

Dog-walking services available for the busy dog owner. Pick-up and return home to be arranged according to your schedule!

费用: 每小时10元 每月250元(5次/星期)
Rates: RMB 10 per hour, monthly rate RMB 250 (5 days a week)

004  平面/ 网站设计  GRAPHIC / WEB DESIGN  arrow

As experienced designers working from a broad knowledge base including art, psychology and architecture, we have developed a strong foundation in clean, minimal information design in order to clearly communicate content and message. Skills include print, illustration, web design; for a full portfolio, please visit: www.ourwork.is

005  日历餐厅  CALENDAR RESTAURANT  arrow

日历餐厅是在种植季节期间每月开放一次的餐厅。它始于2010年7月至10月的一个艺术项目。自2011年种植季节起,我们希望在 日常生活和 植物生长的时间表(这也是日历的来历)下探索这种实践。在日历餐厅,消费者变成厨 师,从我们的田园中采摘新鲜蔬菜,并分享各自的经验。一起做好饭后,大家围坐在一起,还会讨论一些更复杂的话题:健康、食品安全、社会、政治、天 气、中医、 老北京烹饪、食物设计和储存-当然,这些看上去严肃的讨论并不会影响我们品尝美味。今年我们的种植场地由小毛驴农场赞助,日历餐厅由家作坊支持。

Calendar Restaurant is a restaurant that opens once every month during the course of the farming season. It was initiated within the context of an art project from July to October, 2010. When farming started in 2011, we simply wanted to explore this practice within the framework of daily life and timeline of vegetables' growth (that is where the calendar originates). In this restaurant, customers become cooks, working with fresh vegetables from our garden and sharing stories of their experiences. Once food is ready we sit together at one big table to discuss complex food issues: health, food safety, social systems, politics, weather, chinese medicine, old Beijing cooking, food design and preservation — but not to the point of making the taste muddy (cloudy)! This year our farm plot is supported by Little Donkey Farm and the restaurant is supported by HomeShop.

For the latest updates, please visit the Calendar Restaurant microblog.

006  复印 / 打印 / 扫描  PHOTOCOPY / PRINT / SCAN  arrow


Another friendly print shop in the neighbourhood to take care of your basic printing/scanning needs.

复印 photocopy: RMB 0.1元/张
黑白打印 B/W printing: RMB 0.3元/张
彩色打印 colour printing: RMB 1元/张
扫描 hi-resolution scanning: RMB 1元/件

007  歌曲制作  SONG POEMS  arrow
送来您的诗词,经这里天才音乐家和作曲家的配乐,您或您亲爱的人将得到一首完美的音乐杰作,或电子传递,或航空邮件,各种套餐服务可供选择。 以乐配诗,礼物典雅,特别时刻,孤寂时光,舍此其谁?

Send in your poetry to be set to music by talented musicians and composers. A complete musical masterpiece will be sent to you, or that special someone, electronically or by airmail. Various packages available. Excellent as a gift, for special occasions, or when you are just feeling lonely.

样品歌词 sample song poem: “群岛 Archipelago”

歌词 Lyrics:John DONNE
配器 Instrumentation:JOHN DONNE'S CONFUSION
(Gilles Gabriel GRASSIOULET, Youichirou YASUMOTO, Hiromi KAI, Asmund HAVSTEEN-MIKKELSEN, Michael EDDY)

008  中英语讲习班  ENGLISH / CHINESE LESSONS  arrow

大胡子叔叔在练习英文 蔬菜名字  Uncle Long beard practicing the names of vegetables in English

家作坊英语语言讲习班是东西方文化交流活动中心"家作坊"系列项目之一。以个性化引领,东西方文化交融,实地操练为主特色。为母语为汉语儿童、青少年、成人提供全方位的语言培训和实地演练环境。如英文读书会,各种国际性艺术活动,随时与各国朋友用英语交等。 家作坊位于东城区交道口二条,北新桥地铁站三百米处,占地300平方米,有教室和各类活动室数间,且有小院,宽敞明亮,方便教学及各类活动。是一个融生活,学术,艺术,教学,研究为一体的文化交流空间

欢迎你来我们这里学习英语,我们这里不仅有最精彩,最灵活的教学服务,还有丰富多彩的国际文化艺术交流活动,在这里你不仅能学到纯正且地道的 英语,还可以融进一个能听到各种语言的国际小世界。



HomeShop's language lessons emphasize cultural exchange, individual learning styles and real life practice as a way for children, youth and adults to improve their Chinese or English in ways that they need it most. Lessons are organised in small groups (3-5 students) or one-on-one, with opportunities outside of class for students to join other HomeShop activities for further practice, learning and fun.

009  翻译 / 校对 / 编辑  EDITING / TRANSLATION  arrow

我们的翻译小组是由多国成员组成,有着数年的翻译 ,校对及编辑经验。曾为许多国际出版社做过编译工作,其中包括Sternberg出版社(德国),JRP|Ringier(瑞士),Walther Koenig(德国),维他命出版社(中国),中国国际广播电台(中国),中国瑞士大使馆,中国人民大学中国文化学院,德国大众汽车公司等,同时也翻译校对过许多大学论文。其内容包括艺术,建筑,评论,城市化,教学,历史,设计,时装,文学等。我们编排过的作品内容包括学术论文,评论辩论,研讨会记录,访谈,以及各种语言的论文。



Our editorial team of native speakers has years of experience editing and translating texts for international publishers and organisations including Sternberg Press (DE), JRP|Ringier (CH), Walther Koenig (DE), Vitamin Publications (CN), China Radio International (CN), The Embassy of Switzerland in China and more, as well as for graduate-level academic papers. Topics have included art, architecture, criticism, urbanism, sociology, pedagogy, history, design, fashion, literature and more; formats of writing in our editorial repertoire have included research-based theses and critical argumentation, transcribed group discussion and interviews, as well as materials translated from various languages.

Practical communication skills honed through teaching positions are augmented by the grasp of several languages and an intimate knowledge and love of language developed through the writing of creative texts for a variety of journals and books published internationally.

Translation of the above range of topics can be made in most directions to and from: Chinese, English, Mongolian, Italian, Greek, Japanese. Reasonable rates starting from RMB 0.3/word for English to Chinese and RMB .5/word for Chinese to English.

Previous translations include: 《北京奥运的人文价值》The Humanist Value of the Beijing Olympics, Sapporo Art Center, 《延展生命——国际新媒体艺术三年展》Translife: International Triennial of New Media Art, China Files.

Download work samples here: English -> Chinese, Chinese -> Italian, Japanese -> English

010  城市探索与发现  URBAN EXPLORATION / TOURS  arrow


见相关的信息rePLACE BEIJING家作坊正在主办的一个项目。

Our genuine love-shock for this city combined with a few socio-historical compasses to guide our sights means that we can offer you a flip-side to Beijing city, both as a tour but also as dialogue about what "practice" can mean in terms of navigating the urban environment. We can go for a walk through the hutongs, crack the abandoned SARS A-Typical hospital at “Small Soup Hill”, and see the world from a run-down amusement park far out west. Both exotic and banal, informative and flippant, we can tailor a tour to suit your needs and interests.

See also the related rePLACE BEIJING project currently hosted by HomeShop.

011  丝网印刷  SILK SCREEN PRODUCTION  arrow


This hands-on printing method has a high level of charm if a low level of resolution, which is what has made screenprinting a staple of DIY punks. HomeShop's homey in-house facilities can print on paper and fabric up to A0 size for producing unique editions of several hundred. Great for posters, small-run publications, paraphernalia and newspapers such as HomeShop's very own Beiertiao Leaks.

012  阿姨  BABYSITTING / AYI arrow
没有孩子在拍摄过程中受到伤害  No children were harmed in the making of this photograph.


We're good with kids! Afterschool pick-up, healthy meals and a loving learning environment, at your service. Credentials available upon request.

费用: 面谈
Rates: Flexible based upon your needs. Please contact for a quotation.

013  服装缝补 / 再设计  CLOTHING MENDING  arrow


Mending and tailoring with a twist means that we take extra care and a bit of style into consideration with every item you bring to HomeShop. Specialising in breathing new life into your worn and tired goods.

费用: 根据每件衣物特点定价,详情面谈
Rates: Variable per item, please visit for more details.

014  家政服务  HOUSEKEEPING  arrow


It's a dirty city! Get in touch with our friendly but anal ayis and butlers to keep your home/office in order.

费用: 每小时40元;若每月定期打扫,价格可面谈
Rates: Single sessions RMB 40/hour, inquire for regular monthly rates.



ARCHiS/Volume》 杂志"RSVP"活动;维也纳、特拉维夫、安曼、卢布尔雅那、塔林、莫斯科,2004-5年)、独立电影(《一个失足少女》前期制作,导演Conrad CLARK;北京,2009年)以及获奖实验视频(《Royal, Nebraska》,2006年)

Experienced camera work and video production for a full range of occasions, from your big wedding day to your big art project to your big next feature.

Our portfolio includes: event videography (ARCHiS/Volume magazine RSVP Events; Vienna, Tel Aviv, Amman, Ljubljana, Tallin, Moscow, 2004-5), independent film (“A Fallen Girl” pre-production, director Conrad CLARK; Beijing, 2009) and award winning experimental video (“Royal, Nebraska”, 2006).

费用: 面谈
Rates: Variable per project, please inquire for more details.

016  学术研究 / 写作 / 报道  RESEARCH / WRITING / REPORTAGE arrow


We offer a wide variety of writing skills in several languages for assignments on a wide range of topics related to art, culture, current affairs and politics. From research papers to criticism to interviews, our team has a broad and adaptable capacity to provide you with sharp, sensitive commentary and sound research.

费用: 面谈
Rates: Variable per project, please inquire for more details.